Featured products

Nahiri the Lithomancer #1 Signed by Seanan McGuire

Student of Honor Bumper Sticker

Just a Hungry Little Guy Sticker

You Are Queer / Trans Enough Vinyl Sticker

Friend of Alesha Vinyl Sticker

Be Goose Do Crime Sticker

Moon Phase Pride Necklace v2

OnlyDans Sticker
/ On sale

Farewell to Fascists Sticker

Two Cats One Brain Cell Sticker

Accounting Crows Vinyl Sticker

Mommy of Machines Vinyl Sticker

Assigned Mushroom at Birth Sticker

Assigned Cat at Birth Sticker

Assigned Frog at Birth Sticker

Magical Pantry Vinyl Stickers
$3.00 - $8.00
/ On sale

Mystery Wood Pins / Magnets
/ On sale

Mystery Necklace
/ Sold out

Poisoned Dagger Necklace
/ Sold out

Kitchen Knife Earrings
/ Sold out

Bagel Rat Shiny Chrome Sticker

Janet's Kirtle Green Skirt
$38.00 - $40.00

Icosahedral Puddle Skirt
$38.00 - $40.00

Penrose Fall Skater Skirt
$38.00 - $40.00